

SCORE language #

This file defines SCORE, a minimal reversible programming language designed as a reversible adaptation of LOOP. SCORE can be understood as an extension of SRL [Mat03] that operates on variables represented by stacks of integers.

Notations #

Consecutive updates can be concatenated as σ[x ↦ v₁][x ↦ v₂].

A Store provides an abstract representation of memory in the form of a total function from Ident to List Int.

Instances For

    An empty Store maps every identifier to the empty list.

    Instances For

      Updates a Store by mapping the register identified by x to a new value v.

      • (σ[x l]) y = if x = y then l else σ y
      Instances For
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem SCORE.Store.update_same {σ : SCORE.Store} {x : Ident} {y : Ident} {l : List } :
            x = y(σ[x l]) y = l

            If x = y then the current value of y in σ[x ↦ v] is v.

            theorem SCORE.Store.update_other {σ : SCORE.Store} {x : Ident} {y : Ident} {l : List } :
            x y(σ[x l]) y = σ y

            If x ≠ y then the current value of y in σ[x ↦ v] is σ y.

            theorem SCORE.Store.update_no_update {σ : SCORE.Store} {x : Ident} :
            σ[x σ x] = σ

            Updating a variable to its current value produces no change.

            theorem SCORE.Store.update_shrink {σ : SCORE.Store} {x : Ident} {l₁ : List } {l₂ : List } :
            σ[x l₁][x l₂] = σ[x l₂]

            Two consecutive updates to the same variable can be compressed into a single update.

            theorem SCORE.Store.update_no_update_cons {σ : SCORE.Store} {x : Ident} {v : } :
            (σ x).head? = some vσ[x v :: (σ x).tail] = σ

            Alternative version of update_no_update that considers the structure of the list.

            theorem SCORE.Store.update_swap {σ : SCORE.Store} {x : Ident} {y : Ident} {l₁ : List } {l₂ : List } :
            x yσ[x l₁][y l₂] = σ[y l₂][x l₁]

            The order in which two different variables are updated is not significant.

            @[reducible, inline]

            A State can be a Store or a failure.

            Instances For
              inductive SCORE.Com :

              A SCORE program is a sequence of commands chosen from skip, extending a stack, decreasing a stack, incrementing the top of a stack, decrementing the top of a stack, composing two commands, and iterating over a finite number of steps.

              Instances For

                The inverse of the inverse program of P is P itself.

                Interpreter #

                Interpreter for SCORE. The interpreter takes as input a Com and an evaluation State and outputs the resulting State obtained by applying the command to the initial state.

                Instances For

                  Reverse interpreter for SCORE. The interpreter takes as input a Com and an evaluation State and outputs the resulting State obtained by applying the inverse of the command to the initial state.

                  Instances For

                    Invertibility #

                    theorem SCORE.invertible_SEQ {s : SCORE.State} {t : SCORE.State} {P : SCORE.Com} {Q : SCORE.Com} (ih₁ : ∀ {s t : SCORE.State}, SCORE.eval P s = t t none SCORE.eval P⁻¹ t = s s none) (ih₂ : ∀ {s t : SCORE.State}, SCORE.eval Q s = t t none SCORE.eval Q⁻¹ t = s s none) :
                    SCORE.eval (P;;Q) s = t t none SCORE.eval (P;;Q)⁻¹ t = s s none
                    theorem SCORE.invertible {s : SCORE.State} {t : SCORE.State} {P : SCORE.Com} :
                    SCORE.eval P s = t t none SCORE.eval P⁻¹ t = s s none